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Bim Son A Industrial Park - Thanh Hoa

KCN Bỉm Sơn là một khu công nghiệp đầu mối tỉnh Thanh Hóa ưu tiên phát triển chế biến, may mặc, một trong các ngành thu hút đầu tư nước ngoài của tỉnh Thanh Hóa



Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Code: BIMSONA-IP-TH (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $45 - Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

Name: Bim Son A Industrial Park - Thanh Hoa

Total Area: 163.36ha

Address: Bim Son - Thanh Hoa


Operation ending time: 01/2013 - Start time: ---

Price: 45 USD/m2 Chưa bao gồm VAT, phí quản lý, bảo hiểm, điện nước

building density: 60 (%)

Fill rate: Fill rate: 70%


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Information detail

Bim Son A Industrial Park - Thanh Hoa

Bim Son A Industrial Park – Thanh Hoa Province

Investors IZ: TNI Holdings Vietnam
Priority Area: Investment projects in the fields of textiles, leather and footwear, manufacture and assembly of automobiles, mechanical engineering, advanced manufacturing building materials, structural steel production, electronics, high-tech products,processing of agricultural and forestry products for export

Description: Located along the National Highway No. 1A connecting the North to the South of Vietnam.
Distance to major cities: Thanh Hoa City center 34km
Nearest Seaport: Nghi Son port 108km
Nearest Airport: 138 km far from Noi Bai International Airport, 80 km far from Lam Son – Sao Vang Airport (Thanh Hoa Province)
Nearest railway station: Near by Bimson station and North-South railway.

Roads: Main road: 36 m in width. + Branch road: 22.5 m/ 17.5m in width. - Lighting system is equipped alongside all the roads.
Electrical: Two Sub-stations of 110/35kV – 125+25 MVA
Water: 16,000 m3/day; Water system will be installed to the fence of every factory.
Contact Info: Bim Son IZ is equipped with modern telecommunication system, meeting the communication demand of multi-services such as Internet, ADSL, Video Conference, VOIP, Fax, etc. An optical fiber system is installed underground to every factory. Ensure high-speed date communication without interruption.
Garbage disposal: Solid waste from premises will be classified, collected and transported to the central dumping of Thanh Hoa Province.
Wastewater: The waste water treatment has been completed with capacity for the first phase is: 12,000 m3/day.
Finance: VIETIN Bank, BIDV, Sacom Bank, VP Bank, Agri-Bank
Training School: Thanh Hoa has province about 14 colleges and vocational schools
Housing for workers: Residential area for laborers was planed near the industrial park by Thanh Hoa province
Other gadgets Thanh Hoa Customs office is located in the industrial park, the procedure is done quickly at the unit in the industrial park

Planning area: 163.36 ha
Area available for rent:  100 ha
Zoning map:  N/A

Rents do not have the infrastructure: N/A USD/m2
The rental facilities:  30 USD/m2
Electricity prices: According to EVN"s price
water Rates: 11.500VND/m3 (0.5USD/m3).
Labor costs: Reference Price: About 100 - 350USD/person/month
Solid waste disposal fee: According to Thanh Hoa People"s Committee and of the Management Board of Industrial Zones
Wastewater treatment fee: The wastewater treatment fee will be regulated by the Wastewater treatment Company inside Bim Son Industrial Zone. The wastewater fee can be adjusted according to common price regulating in Industrial Zone. Waste water volume will be counted equal to 80% of the fresh water.
Management fee: USD 0.30/m2/year (excluded VAT).
Other expenses: N/A

In operational: 2013
Fill rate: 10%

Investment Incentives: 
The Law on Investment No. 67/2014/QH13 and Guidelines on application Decree No.118/2015/ND-CP on 12/11/2015 
The Land Law No. 45/2013/QH13 and Guidelines on application; The construction Law No. 50/2014/QH13 and 
Guidelines on application; 
The Law on Environmental Protection No. 55/2014/QH13 and Guidelines on application; 
The Decree No. 29/2008/NĐ-CP of The Government dated 14/03/2008 providing for industrial parks, export processing zones and economic zones; The Decree No. 164/2013/NĐ-CP dated 12/11/2013 and The Decree No. 114/2015/NĐ-CP dated 09/11/2015 of The Government amending several articles of The Decree No. 29/2008/NĐ-CP; 
The Resolution No. 18/NQ-CP dated 20/04/2009 on a number of mechanisms and policies to step upthe development of dormitories for trainees and students of training establishments and houses for workers in industrial parks and low-income earners in urban centers 
The Decision No. 66/2009/QĐ-TTg dated 24/04/2009 of the Government promulgating a number of mechanisms and policies 
to build houses for lease to workers of industrial parks; 
The Decision No. 1107/QĐ-TTg dated 21/8/2006 approving the planning on development of industrial parks in Vietnam up to 
2015 and orientations to 2020. 
Strengths: Advantage in employment and labor
Weaknesses: Infrastructure investment in industrial park has not been well
Opportunities: Good investment and policy support, in line with auxiliary industries, processing
Challenge: Processing environment, labor attraction

Kland has experience providing the following services:
Land consulting, factory visiting
Procedures, conditions, business licenses, investment certificates in Vietnam
Drafting, Negotiating for Contract
Legal advisory in Vietnam



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