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Tien Son Industrial Park - Bac Ninh

Tien Son Industrial Park in Bac Ninh where get a lot of attention from foreign and domestic investor like Korean, Japan, USA,...



Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Code: TIENSON-IP-BN (Khu công nghiệp)

Price: $90 - Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

Name: Tien Son Industrial Park - Bac Ninh

Total Area: 402.82ha

Address: Tu Son - Bac Ninh


Operation ending time: 12/2048 - Start time: 12/1998

Price: 90 USD/m2 Giá thuê chưa bao gồm VAT

building density: 60 (%)

Fill rate: Fill rate: 100%


Tỉnh Bắc Ninh đã ký ban hành Quyết định phê duyệt đồ án quy hoạch chung xây dựng Khu công nghiệp Yên Phong II, tỷ lệ 1/5.000.

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Information detail

Tien Son Industrial Park - Bac Ninh



Investors IZ: Phu Tho IZs management board
Priority Area: Producing construction materials, mineral processing, agricultural and forest products Processing industry, Mechanical industry, Consumer goods production and assembling electronic components
Total Area: 350ha 
The Industrial Park was occupied 100%
Operation Time:
Phase 1: 1999 – 2049
Phase 2: 2006 – 2056


  • Description
  • Distance to major cities
  • Nearest Seaport
  • Nearest Airport
  • Nearest railway statio

Advantages of the Industrial Park:

Convenient location, located right between National Road 1A and National Road 1B
Adequate and synchronous technical, service and social infrastructure
Dormitory and Villa for lease
The leveling altitude is 5m and higher
Tien Son IP is located between National Road 1A and National Road 1B (Lang Son – Hanoi – HCMC).


  • Water supply station
  • Water treatment station with the first phase capacity of 7,000m3/day.
  • Power supply station
  • Power is supplied from national grid through 110/22KV (35KV) transformer station with capacity of 1x40MVA and 1 x 63 MVA.
  • Telecommunication system
  • Telecommunication system reaches the international standard 
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Waste water treatment station with the capacity of 4,000 m3/day.
Taxation of corporate income tax rate is 20%.
Exempt CIT for the first 2 years
Decrease 50% for the next 4 years

Our services:
  • Kland has experience providing the following services:
  • Land consulting, factory visiting
  • Procedures, conditions, business licenses, investment certificates in Vietnam
  • Drafting, Negotiating for Contract
  • Legal advisory in Vietnam



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