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Apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million VND / month at ECOPARK

Because it is not used often, the owner needs to rent an apartment with 02 bedrooms, 02 toilets, 71m2 at ECOPARK.



Cho Thuê

Price: $5,.51 - Giá cho thuê 9 triệu đồng/tháng

Cho Thuê

Price: $5,.51 - Giá cho thuê 9 triệu đồng/tháng

Cho Thuê

Price: $5,.51 - Giá cho thuê 9 triệu đồng/tháng

Cho Thuê

Price: $5,.51 - Giá cho thuê 9 triệu đồng/tháng

Cho Thuê

Price: $5,.51 - Giá cho thuê 9 triệu đồng/tháng

Cho Thuê

Price: $5,.51 - Giá cho thuê 9 triệu đồng/tháng

Cho Thuê

Price: $5,.51 - Giá cho thuê 9 triệu đồng/tháng

Name: Apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million VND / month at ECOPARK

Real estate project:



Total Area:71

Number of bedrooms: 2

Toilet: 2

Balcony direction: 0

Main door direction: 0


Keyword: leasing price apartment apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million vnd / month at ecopark, price apartment apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million vnd / month at ecopark for sell, price apartment apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million vnd / month at ecopark for rent, apartment apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million vnd / month at ecopark for sell, apartment apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million vnd / month at ecopark for rent, apartment apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million vnd / month at ecopark for rent vietnam, apartment apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million vnd / month at ecopark for rent hanoi


Information detail

Apartment for rent with 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms with rent of 09 million VND / month at ECOPARK

Homeowners wishing to rent an apartment in Green City Urban Functional Area - ECOPARK with the following information
- Area: 71m2
- Architecture: 02 bedrooms, 02 bathrooms
- Rental price: VND 9 million / month
- Apartment's features: Fully furnished, tenants can use all furniture equipment that has been fully furnished by the owner. The balcony overlooks the garden of Vuon Tung

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